Wednesday, June 20, 2018

♥♥♥ EVENTS FOR JULY 2018! ♥♥♥

Toronto QUEER Midsummer Slowdance! - JULY 7, 2018


❤❤❤ You are cordially invited to Toronto's QUEER Midsummer SLOWDANCE! Edition! ❤❤❤

With a lending library of designated dancers for all you wallflowers, and a dancecard-booklet to set up dances in advance (should you choose to), Toronto Queer Slowdance has all slow songs, all night long! (Except for the occasional intermission when we play the fastest songs we can find!)

It's high school with a happy ending. Come and experience why slow is beautiful, and why love is not ironic.

PS. Fabulous and inspired attire, while desired, is not required. But it would be AWESOME and HAWT.

Finally, you do not have to be queer to attend this party, but you must have an open mind, an open heart, and have open arms. Do keep in mind that many of our attendees fall within the LGBTTQIA continuum and may or may not be interested in dancing with the "opposite" sex, so if you are stridently straight, this may not be the most receptive community for you.


Dovercourt house
805 Dovercourt Rd. (1 block North of Bloor, 3 blks. west of Ossington)
Saturday, July 7th, 2018
Doors at 9:30, Dance promptly from 10 PM - 2:45 AM.
$10 admission includes your Dancecard-booklet!

Regretfully, the Dovercourt House is not wheelchair-accessible.


We are always looking for designated dancers for our evenings. If you are outgoing, warm, and willing to undertake the very serious duty and responsibility of inviting wallflowers out onto the dancefloor - if in fact, such a prospect gives you great joy - then please contact the organizers at


Montreal Strip Spelling Bee! - Skanks 5th Ave. Edition-JULY 14, 2018


WARNING: There may be nudity in this show.

The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!

As this is our Skanks 5th Ave. edition, we encourage contestants and audience members to dress up like fancy floozies. Any contestant who comes in costume, whether half-assed or high-end, will be looked upon more favourably by the judges.

We are also taking contestant sign-ups in advance! But we are limiting early sign-ups to HALF of the allotted ten spellers. Email with SBEE in the subject line if you are interested in signing up early!


Saturday, July 14, 2018
Mainline Theatre
3997 Blvd. St-Laurent
(Just south of Duluth - look for the sign with flames painted on it!)

Contestant sign-up at 8:30 PM sharp!
Bee from 9 to midnight
$10 at the door.
(Contestants do not pay cover and get a free drink!)

Please note that we must cap our number of strip-spellers at 10 to ensure an expedient and entertaining evening.

Regretfully, The Mainline is not wheelchair-accessible, as it is up a steep flight of 14 stairs.

Hosted by Sherwin S. Tjia, that scamp.



One by one, participants are asked to spell a word. If they get it right, they sit down. If they get it wrong, they must striptease A THIRD of their clothing off, and that is considered their first "strike". When they misspell a second word, that is their second strike and they must striptease ANOTHER third off. A third and final strike requires that they strip down to their underwear.

After three strikes, a participant is out of the competition. But they should take heart – because while they may have lost, the audience has most certainly won.

Both the winner of the Bee and the Best Striptease of the night win prize packs containing both (a) The E-Z-PURR: A CD with over an hour of cats purring! and (b) Listen To My Friends Masturbate! A very special CD and (c) Watch My Friends Sleep! (Kate Edition) A very peculiar DVD.

While the Best Speller of the night will be chosen through purely quantitative means, Best Stripper is chosen in a more qualitative manner by our Secret Judge whom we have embedded in the audience. As with all things, if you compete in COSTUME, the Secret Judge will look more favourably in your direction.

All striptease spellers do not pay cover.
Anyone can drop out of the competition at any time AFTER the completion of the SECOND round.

This is a queer, senior and trans-friendly event. We have a NO BOOING policy strictly in effect. No photos are allowed except by our host, who will talk to each of the contestants and ask if this is okay when they sign-up. Our goal is to have everyone feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to strip and spell.

Regarding the No Photos Rule - we ALSO have a SNITCH POLICY. If you are a member of the audience and you witness someone taking a surreptitious photo, BY ALL MEANS, interrupt the proceedings, come up to one of the hosts - SNITCH on the guilty party, and once they have been dealt with, you will be rewarded with a free drink.

We thank you for your patronage and understanding.