Hi Lovelies!
So about two weeks ago I did an experimental event in Montreal called
MY BAD: A SORRYtelling Event.
And it went really good! There was a warm energy in the room for it,
and it was very human, and illuminating. In fact, it went so well that I
am eager to bring it to Toronto at some point this fall. But I would
need more Sorrytellers. Do you live in Toronto? Do you have an apology
you would like to express with a story behind it? Please email me at
inconsolablecat (at) hotmail (dot) com with TOOBAD as the subject, and a brief
description of what you might be sorry about. When I get enough folks to
be a part, I'll find a charming venue to host us and we can make it
Other than that, I've been relaxing a lot this summer. Reading old Star
Wars novels. There was a time in my life where I felt I should read the
"good" books. The ones that tackled major themes. But now I just read
what I want and feel no guilt. I've always felt that getting older is
great because you no longer have guilty pleasures. That is - you still
have all your pleasures, you just stop feeling guilty about any of them.
Thanks again everyone for being part of this list, and for listening.
♥♥♥ EVENTS FOR SEPT 2017! ♥♥♥
★★★ TORONTO STRIP SPELLING BEE - Sept. 8, 2017 - U of TEASE Edition! ★★★
RSVP HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1557024467652242
WARNING: There may be NUDITY in this show.
The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and
it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and
hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!
Friday, Sept. 8th, 2017
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
12 Alexander Street
(1 blk east of Yonge)
Toronto, Ontario
Sign-up at 10:30 PM sharp!
Bee starts at 11 PM
$10 at the door
FREE if you compete! (AND we buy you a drink!)
❤❤❤ You are cordially invited to Toronto's QUEER SLOWDANCE! - Think PINK Edition! ❤❤❤
RSVP HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/2071340229770112
a lending library of designated dancers for all you wallflowers, and a
dancecard-booklet to set up dances in advance (should you choose to),
Toronto Queer Slowdance has all slow songs, all night long! (Except for
the occasional intermission when we play the fastest songs we can find!)
It's high school with a happy ending. Come and experience why slow is beautiful, and why love is not ironic.
PS. Fabulous and inspired attire, while desired, is not required. But it
would be AWESOME and HAWT. As this is our Think PINK edition, you are
encouraged to dress to impress in something pinkish.
Finally, you do not have to be queer
to attend this party, but you must have an open mind, an open heart,
and have open arms. Do keep in mind that many of our attendees fall
within the LGBTTQ continuum and may or may not be interested in dancing
with the 'opposite' sex, so if you are stridently straight, this may not
be the most receptive community for you.
Dovercourt house
805 Dovercourt Rd. (1 block North of Bloor, 3 blks. west of Ossington)
Saturday, Sept. 9th, 2017
Doors at 9:30, Dance promptly from 10 PM - 3 AM.
$10 admission includes your Dancecard-booklet!
Regretfully, the Dovercourt House is not wheelchair-accessible.
We are always looking for designated dancers for our evenings.
If you are outgoing, warm, and willing to undertake the very serious
duty and responsibility of inviting wallflowers out onto the dancefloor -
if in fact, such a prospect gives you great joy - then please contact
the organizers at inconsolablecat (at) hotmail (dot) com.